Tuesday, January 3, 2012

And Here We Are

The holidays are done. I am pleased with this, and shall not speak on the closing ceremonies of 2011 anymore.

Suffice it to say as in all times and aspects of my life, my wish list fell short. Enough was accomplished, but what I thought were priorities became, nice to haves.

The best thing about being out of the holidays is a real schedule. Like small children and old people (hmm) I do well with routine. I like that the Zumba teacher is back. I like that she has moved her class up a half hour because that means, even if I walk home to cool down, I am still home in time for bedtime, also known as "evening pleading time". Exercise makes all other patience exercises easier.

Work is not so bad. The parameters are set, unlike at home, where it is totally acceptable to lose your cool with other people in close quarters. I mean it's not totally cool, but we don't feel quite the need to censure ourselves do we?

Really? It's just me?

In the talk of schedules. My schedule is really, breathable right now. It's great. I am not scheduled out 2 months in advance. I've got a PTA meeting here and exercise there, and some playdates to schedule, but other than that. I see laundry and knitting time in my future. I know it may not last but I'll enjoy it now, thank you very much.

Back to knitting. Just where exactly are we in the knitting? I've got the Log Pillows somewhere between finish and chuck it in the bin. I am frogging the Endless/Effortless sweater. There is just too much fabric in the front, and I think I ended it too short in the body. Its just not worth it. like the gang says, why knit something you aren't enjoying anymore? I'll find completion somewhere else. In fact I'm thinking of reusing the yarn as a 1st pass for Tea Leaves. Now the question is ... do I start Tea Leaves before Aidez? In the meantime, with minimal frustration I am in the middle of a Textured Shawl that I'm convinced has an error in the lace pattern, but I don't trust my knitting or my math to be convinced enough to follow-up on it. I looked and the magazine had not posted any erratas for it on Monday.

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