Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Scenes and Memories from October in San Francisco

Sometimes I'm not sure what to post. I don't produce a lot of knitting. My life is pretty routine. (This is not bad, but maybe not super exciting for the rest of you.)

So I thought I'd share a few photos from some moments between the grind this last month.

October is one of my most favorite months in the Bay Area. The weather wavers between a late summer and a crispy morning and evening. The light is lovely and the temperature is comfortable.

This photo was from a Sunday around 1pm when I went to meet my husband after a morning of exericse. I needed to pick up some flowers and we went to the Farmer's Market near our apartment at the Civic Center. It's not as nice a neighborhood compared to the other farmer's markets in the city, but it's always been our go to, though usually he goes on Wednesday mornings for work. I think he was somewhat amused to be there on a Sunday. (that's him in the bottom right corner, making the "where'd you go?" face.) It was funny because some of the farmers and vendors that have been in the stalls for over 10 years still ask him how our son is. When we lived in the Tenderloin when our son was born, he stayed home with the boy when I went back to work, and the Farmer's Market was part of their regular Father/Son weekly schedule. I probably had one of the few preschoolers addicted to pomegranates. Ha!

Just across the road before the City Hall Playground and Courtyard the trees were yarn bombed. This seems to be a regular occurrence, maybe it's a type of agreed upon exhibit? Last time I was walking around there, it was giraffes. But that weekend it was Otters in trees!?

I think the thing on his chest is a clam, but I can't get the photo to display in the correct orientation so you'll have to take my word for it.

At the beginning of the month I took a Friday off from work and watched the Parade of ships come in through the Gate for Fleet Week. There were only a few ships this year, and I didn't really get a photo because it was too far away and there were a bunch of people. But it was a lovely day. I sat outside with 2 very good friends and we had lunch with our toes in the sand and watched the tourists and the air show while our boys were all at school.

Blue Angels!

 What have been this month's highlights for you?


  1. Love the yarn bombing! Maybe the highlgiht is that it is over?

    1. It has also been an incredibly busy month. I was double booking and work was wonky so yes, that stress part I am grateful to be over with as well. I hope November brings you some excellent takes for your highlight reel!

  2. I loved this post! It's fun to see some of the highlights of your month. Aren't the Blue Angels fun to watch.

    1. Thanks, Nancy! I do enjoy the Blue Angels. It's not for everyone, and I know my friends with dogs/pets get really tense when they do their runs and practice the week before. But I have a childlike glee when I see them.

  3. What a beautiful city you live in!!!

    1. Thanks Araignee, I think so too. However I need to remind myself to get out and see it. Sad, right?

  4. I love the yarn bombing! Now that I am getting into the machine knitting, I could do that without taking a year to get one knit! lol Beautiful picks--we visited the Bay in 1976 for our 'tour the country in our hippie van' for our honeymoon! Ha!

    1. LOL I can't imagine the effort it would take for a yarn bombing, with or without a machine's knitting help! I love imagining you as a newlywed travelin' the country like a hippie! crazy pants!!

  5. Replies
    1. I like them too! I will make an effort to see if they change it regularly.

  6. Looks like it's been a fun month - thanks for sharing. Love the otters!!! So silly.

    1. Busy but fun! I will try and take some more pictures if the yarn bomb changes again. Thank you for visiting!

  7. Social butterfly! And yes, the feeling of fall is delightful. Congratulations to Steve (and you.) Wishing you all well.

  8. I never knew those were the same farmers every year. That's so coo and how they remembered your husband. Ulloa would take FT's to there and we'd always get the kettle corn at the end. I even bought a pie once!

  9. Some change, but some are in there for the long haul. Sundays in one place, Wednesdays at another. They work hard.

  10. That was a wonderful post !!!!!! I love the farmers market story . TIme flies but those that remember your babies are the best! I love the otters.

    1. Thanks Kathy! Time flies and I love when other people remember because it also reminds me of times that were really good and fun.

  11. I loved this post, I like to see where people are, what they do and what they see and experience. So you did a fantastic job :) Love the blue skies!!

    1. Thanks Karen! I am working on how to share better, at least more focused.

  12. Fun post! It brings back lots of fun memories from when our younger daughter lived and worked in SF. It's such a fun place to visit.

    1. Thanks Judy. I love my town. I am always happy when people have good memories and experiences here too.

  13. Thanks for taking us along on some of your local happenings! What a great idea and I hope you do it again. Awesome yarn bombing. Hearing your Farmer’s Market story made me want to visit mine more often.

    1. I'm glad you liked the post. I don't always have crafting and am hoping to find something interesting in my life to share.
