Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Wednesday Whatnot

I am here!

I had a good Thanksgiving Week but I worked a lot of it, and I've just worked a lot in November in general. It was a good month though. My sister's birthday, my stepmother's birthday (which I finally just was able to celebrate with her 1:1 this weekend!!) my anniversary, Veteran's Day, The Marine Corps Birthday, lots of things to be thankful for and to celebrate.

And now here we are dipping our feet into December which brings more holiday gatherings, and excuses to eat and greet and shop.

You'll be proud of me. I've gotten a jump on my holiday shopping and wrapping. I do not have an xmas list now, I have an "outstanding" list, which is just of things to remember to get and do. Feels good.

I'm working through most of the holidays. I'm hoping it will be quiet but one never knows. No trip to see my husband's family in Arizona this year, but we will just make the effort to go out another time, maybe for Spring Break or Memorial Weekend. Something more manageable.

Manageable. We talk a lot about goals and positive outlooks and really I hope it doesn't sound defeatist or settling, but that's all I want. I want things to be manageable, the good and the bad. It's another word for balance I suppose in the context I'm thinking of it. Not sure, not worried about it.

Less worrying. I worry too much, let's leave it at that.

I have been knitting. It comes in spurts. You know celebrating and planning for celebrating and working take up a lot of time, sometimes just energy so when I have the time, I sit there like a bump on a log and stare at my little phone.

I finished my Christmas socks from 2016 hehe. Here I am working on the ones for 2017. I'm halfway through sock 1 and it feels pretty good. It's keeping me in the holiday spirit, that's for sure!

Here's a bonus shot of the next day where I'm wearing xmas socks 2015, hehe. That pose is called Knitting chair potato. It's a personal favorite. That's kinda like yoga, right?


  1. Love the Christmas socks! The first ones remind me a little bit of Where's Waldo? LOL

    What do you do that you have to work holidays?

    1. Thanks Dee! They remind me of Waldo too! haha. I work for the local government and we do not shut down between the holidays. We have Xmas and New Year's off though! When a holiday lands on the Saturday, we need a skeleton crew on the Friday to maintain support, which is why I worked Veteran's Day this year.

  2. I love those socks so much when I saw you knitting them that I had to go out and buy that yarn myself.

    1. True confession. I bought 3 balls of yarn for future Xmas socks. I know, I'm shameless, but you know I'll knit them, hehe.

  3. I have the same pair of socks from the 2015 pose! I just got them out so I can wear them to the first Christmas party this weekend! Nice to have you check in with your blog!

    1. Yeah for holiday socks. I love the idea of wearing them to a holiday fete! I'm going to do this as well! Excellent idea. Thank you for the visit as always :)

  4. Your socks are wonderful! Have you seen the yarn that knits into Santa heads? It is always sold out but I really want some!

    1. Get out of my head, Kim! Every year I go and try to procure some Santa Heads and... nothing. Zip, zero. One day (one Christmas Day?) our Santa will come!

  5. Manageable is a good goal for this time of year. I enjoy the holidays when I choose to slow down. I am often in the "Knitting Potato" position. 😉

    Your Christmas socks are fantastic.

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I truly believe that if we go, go, go we are not realizing the good stuff. It sounds a little cheesy, but really, right now, aren't we supposed to be sharing the joy? Even if you aren't religious it seems like this time of year, is about reaffirming all the positive in your world and community and possibly creating some more.

  6. Knitting Chair Potato is definitely a yoga pose! I may introduce it the next time I go to yoga (I've missed 3 weeks in a row due to "business"). I totally agree needing everything manageable and less worry. I'm working on it!

    1. We are all a Work in Progress. Trust no-one who has it all figured out and working ;) It's so hard to make time to be active at the end of the year. We try so hard to get so much done both professional and personal. And yes, this is why I'm going with manageable. We do what we can, when we can, which includes Knitting Chair Potato, glasses of wine and snoring even at the cost of actual yoga or a tidy bedroom. LOL

  7. Sock 1 is looking good so far. Nice work! CJ xx

  8. your Christmas socks are cute! I am diligently working through the list and it's manageable (I guess). I'm lucky in that I send my inlaws their stuff in October and I exchange with my side of the family in November. All that is left is my little family and a few friends.

    1. I'm not going to lie Karen, having the gift exchange stuff spread out is sexy stuff. It just seems easier to focus on the groups much easier for both the mind and the pocketbook!

  9. As long as you have one pair of Christmas socks, you're set! The rest are just bonuses. :-)

    1. Seriously! I'm really having so much fun knitting Christmas socks. I'm hoarding Christmas sock yarn.

  10. Oh it IS yoga for sure. Balance is so important. We don't have to rush and bustle constantly. It is not good for me inparticular. I commend your attention to balance.

    1. Everyone is doing what they can. As the household was getting ready for bed last night and I was thinking about a todo for the school, I said, there are not enough hours in the day. I was momentarily defeated. But now, I think I can do it. Maybe not the full scale I wanted, but something :)

  11. I love last year's Christmas socks! So cute with the green toes and striped feet. The Polar Express is one of our favorite movies; we bought it last year on Netflix or Amazon so we can watch it every year.

    1. I love having movie traditions to watch every year. As a kid I loved Rudolph (I still do, even the sequels). For my son, it's been Once Upon a Mickey Christmas and Polar Express for my nephew. Good times.

  12. I worked three days of Thanksgiving week and expect to do the same after Christmas and New Year's. I would love things to be manageable, I think that is a terrific goal. You can handle the ups and the downs and everything in between. Take a deep breath every now and again and take care of yourself.

  13. Knitting chair potato is my favorite yoga pose!
    Very very cute socks!

    1. I plan to try to incorporate a little Knitting Chair Potato into every week to keep the balance going ;)

  14. Yoga!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Yes, it's like yoga. Manageable sounds lovely to me right now. With 4 events to plan for/attend each year, it drains you of all spirit! But this year I am trying to be more jolly about it all. Who knows, maybe it will be jolly.

    1. I am wishing you so much season greeting and happy holly jolliness. Yes, I made that phrase up to. I am my mother's daughter and I think it works and feels and sounds great, so let's go with it! Find the joy in the chaos Chris!!

  15. LOVE the second batch. Did she make that card? It's cute and has great details. I like the look of that handmade soap and that gingerbread man.

  16. I hope that you are managing to set aside some time for Yoga in Christmas Socks this holiday season. That should totally be a thing btw!
