Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Questionable taste

This yellow garter stitch is the 2" edging to my Great Divide. I really wanted a bright contrast but question my combination choice.

What do you think? Your comments have been great and informative. I'm frequently  incorporating your wisdom.

For example, definitely making my Men's sock leg longer, now!

Jury Duty continues. This leaves my week very unorganized. Hoping for some finished knit (this one) and a clean living room. 

*just realized the shawl is in Barcelona's football colors. (I have ceased knitting it while they play Manchester City out of respect for my girl CKay) Go Citizens!


  1. Im almost never a yellow fan …..so don't ask me! :)

  2. I think the intensity of the yellow is a little bright against the more subdued blue and pink. A lighter shade of yellow might be better.

  3. I feel you have two bright colors already and if you're going to add a third, it should be something neutral. Are you in a court room or just playing the calling game to see if you have to report? Good luck. My logic is to stick with a nice judge

  4. The yellow seems be to contrasting to me. Sorry you're still serving our good country!

  5. I think if you like it go for it, well when all that game business is over, but if you are hesitant the switch, because the yellow is very bright and draws your eye, if you do not like it that is what you will focus on.
