Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Thanks for your patience as I sort out my life and health. It's sciatica probably exacerbated by my scoliosis and youthful desire to skimp on before stretching. (I'm ok with after part, kinda...)

This is a first for me and I'm trying hard to follow Dr. instructions and take the medications prescribed. I did request no painkillers like Vicodin -- opting for the old ibuprofen ...good to have somewhere to escalate to if needed is my philosophy I suppose. I'm not going to lie I was shocked by the amount of pain I am in but also really in awe of true patients of pain if you know what I'm saying. For those of you with chronic issues my heart is with you even more.

Anyways on to some highlights. These are some abbreviated photos based on a phone back up and the help of my lovely family.

My parents lovely town during our evening walks 

The indoor market! 


The Mercedes Benz museum

Swag & Swine

I'll dig up some more photos soon.

Thank you for your kind comments and visiting. You're appreciated. I'm grateful.


  1. I hope you're on the mend now, sorry it's been so very painful. Well done for not taking the really strong painkillers. My other half was prescribed some once for back pain and he felt horrible when he stopped taking them. Gorgeous photos, what a lovely town. Sending you my best wishes for a speedy recovery. CJ xx

  2. Fun to get away, but sorry about your back. Gin and gin seems a great remedy!

  3. I hope the meds will help you. I'm the same way, start me with something less, so that if it doesn't help, there is still a step up. Take care of yourself.

    Love the photos - it must have been a really lovely time.

  4. I don't like those pain killers either.. makes me feel worse that I already do :) Hope you are on the mend super fast!!

  5. We used to spend hours at Gin Rummy; nice memories.
    Catch up on your reading while you are down for the count.

  6. With you on the pain meds and hope you are feeling much better soon. Love the pictures - beautiful town.

  7. So, are you back home? Or still in Stuttgart? Hopefully your back to behaving and you're feeling lots better wherever you are! More hugs.

  8. Glad you're on some kind of treatment plan, girl. Crap; I know how active and busy you are. I hope this is not making you stir crazy. How awesome to have an excuse to go across the pond to visit your parents. That is super cool.

  9. Oh those lovely green field photos do it to me every time! any Physical therapy ordered?

  10. I appreciate your common sense on Vicodin. I have a script for my dental issues. I took one day, proceeded to be so sick to my stomach, that it quickly was put away. I am just doing Tylenol since I am already on an Nsaid. Between the dental implant procedure that is in it's 3rd month of pain, and the hip, I am ready to get off all meds! Hope you find relief soon.

  11. Hope that ibuprofen is starting to kick in and that you are feeling better.

    Beautiful photos of Stuttgart. My nephew lives near there.

    Take it easy and stretch those muscles! LOL You KNOW you'll feel better.

  12. Love the photo highlights!

    Sorry to hear of your back issue and pain. I hope the ibuprofen kicks in soon. I take NSAIDs for my arthritis when it become too much to handle. I agree with KathyB - schedule some physical therapy.

  13. If you have ever seen any photos of my living room on my blog you will notice a big orange exercise ball in the middle of it. Without a daily stretch on it I wouldn't be able to move.
    It must be cool to have family in such a fab place!

  14. Gentle stretching, rest and of course ice cream helps!
    Take good care of yourself,

  15. I am sooooo sorry to hear this....and the back is such a tricky thing because so many things can cause the pain. (I've 'thrown' my back out with something as simple as a sneeze!) Rest....flat on the floor....and very very g-e-n-t-l-e stretching (as in slowly bending over as if to touch my toes....must do some kind of realignment kind of thing) sometimes helps, usually only if I catch it before it's 'full blown'. It hurts to take a breath, right? Yuck, yuck, and double yuck. Hope you are feeling better soon....but be patient with yourself!!! (and on a different note: love the holiday photos!!!)

  16. I'm so sorry to hear you are having back issues! I've seen my dear daughter go through something similar with neck pain. She swears by massages and acupuncture. I hope you are pain free again soon!

    Thanks for the lovely pictures of Germany. We spent 3 years in the Nuremberg area and loved the beautiful countryside and quaint villages.
