Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Knitting Olympics... Going for the Gold.

Going for the Gold in the Knitting Olympics is really just going for completion, in a time frame, on something challenging, for your skill set.

See? So simple! ha!

The Yarn Harlot is hosting (there's a version on Ravelry as well that sounds far too ... interactive and social for me) but I like the YH. She's to the point I get it, and it feels approachable.

I love how she even tells you to essentially manage your expectations when selecting a project. See her rule #3:
3. While this is intended to be somewhat difficult (like the Olympics) it is not intended to ruin your life. Don't set yourself up for failure. (Olympic athletes may cry, but they do not whine pitifully, sob and threaten members of their family with pointed sticks because they haven't slept in five days. ) This is intended to (like the Olympics) require some measure of sacrifice, and be difficult, but it should be possible to attain.

Ahh truer words could not have been written.

I have chosen the Destroyed Cowl
I've been wanting to make this pattern I found on Ravelry for quite a while (Thanks HM for putting up w/my Rainman!) and it would be the perfect gift for my girl Zupan. So birds and stones as they say!

I even ordered some fantastic yarn from knitpicks that looks a lovely choice if I may say so myself.

I have yet to officially log it at YH. 'Cause that's, like, committment.

And everyone knows, that's where minivans come from.

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