Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Weekends & Redirection

Apparently Redirection is not just for URLs and a parenting behavior tool.

Apparently it's part of my default weekend mentality. I get a game plan. I get excited.

Then somewhere between Friday evening and Saturday noon. I change it up. I'd like to say it's my zeal for life and spontaneity and my super, devil may care attitude.

Really, it's more like Weekend Warrior version of ADD. That's okay, I try to at least redirect that energy in a productive way for the greater (okay maybe just my own household and friend circle's) good. I'm working on it.

Let me be clear this time, I'm not complaining. However, I completely reserve the right to complain in a tongue and cheek way in the future. And I really hope you all continue to laugh along with me, because, yes! those silly things from the last post that were small frustrations, though genuinely irritating me are funny. And I'm so grateful to laugh at them. I'm so grateful you were laughing too.

Sheesh Christmas, we need to keep laughing, right? If I forget how, you completely have the right to kick me in the butt or pull the stick out of it. Please don't let me be "that person".

Okay back to the weekend ...  I was determined to knit the weekend away like a crazy lady. In reality, I sort of piece meal knit. You'll have to wait for knitting photos. But knitting happened. In fact I was scolded for knitting at midnight on a school night in bed. But I was determined to bind off before I began another work week. (Also an excellent show The Making of a Lady was on t.v. and I couldn't look away.)

Anyways what was I doing besides the usual tidy, putter, cook, laundry, dishes?

I had a lovely date with the Manfriend, while The Kid went to a movie sleepover birthday extravaganza. The Manfriend indulged me, and we had oysters, shoestrings and some fennel with prosciutto. 

I watched the entire soccer match on Sunday morning on my own, alone and I could talk at the t.v. all I wanted. Alas, CJ called the outcome and Arsenal kicked our arse (I know, too easy, but still it's funny! No really, it is!!) all over the place. Still that lovely moment was just what I wanted.

When I got back from the gym (we stagger on Sunday mornings) the boys demonstrated how to seriously lounge with a book and football on the t.v. The little one napped a lot recovering from a fun night. We also found out he woke up at 5:30 to upchuck. He admitted he was dehydrated. How does one not worry when their tweener clearly does not demonstrate one of the most basic survival skills ... DRINK WATER. Okay enough of that sMothering.

I had some special requests for lunch for loungers and decided to tackle another project I had been discussing with HM since I was going to be in the kitchen anyhow.

I decided to work on a batch of Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken .

A photo posted by @ellie_elle_elns on

Seasoning, taste was on, but the color was off and so was my desired crispness, but that's my frying technique and not so much the recipe. I'd do it again.

The Kid took a Red Cross Babysitting course with a couple friends.

I'm sorry, but those CPR toddler mannequins were creeping the boys out. ha! They seemed to have a good time. I'm really proud of them taking the course. So I made sure there were some sweet treats to come home to before I lost their happy chatter and stories to the world of video games. Some old favorites...

A photo posted by @ellie_elle_elns on

I'm not pulling your leg. I got some knitting bits and bobs coming. I hope you had a great weekend. As always, thanks for coming by.

* Also, I just figured out how to embed photos from Instagram, so I wanted to try it out. Is it weird, too redundant to use the same photos? I'm not sure how I feel about the embedding vs. reposting. Well, we all know how well I do with sticking to a plan ;)


  1. Wow, what a crazy weekend. I'm impressed that you got any knitting done at all with all that cooking. And, I'm glad to hear I am not the only one who knits late at night in bed!

  2. can I have a weekend treat??? Love the way the babies are all lined up on the table, kind of weird. Glad you had a weekend of food and knitting two great things.

  3. I look at plans as a "maybe" because life always happens and it's better to roll with the changes than be thrown for a loop. LOL, could I pack anymore cliches in a sentence?

  4. Those little mannequins are quite scary aren't they. It sounds like a good weekend, especially the lovely meal. Sorry about the football result (and thanks for the mention), but at least you got to watch the match. I need to find some time for knitting here too, it's fallen by the wayside a bit this week and I'm feeling a little fraught. Enjoy the rest of the week Ellen. CJ xx

  5. Babysitting classes? A great idea that hasn't found its way into my area.

    The cookies look quite yummy.

  6. Oooooooooo my golly! Those chocolate cookies look scrumptious! Since I don't do Instagram anymore, those photos look brand new to me. :-)

  7. You are so busy you make my head spin!
    Hugs to you,

  8. Oh I want cookies. My kids were forever getting sick after sleepovers. We got to the point where we refused to let our daughter AL sleep at the friends party. We'd pick her up at midnight much to her disgust. Her friends all begged us to let her stay. We always promised to bring her back for the breakfast festivities and she always changed her mind in the morning and stayed home.
    One of our more selfish moves, but with both of us working odd hours, we really protected our sleep and THEIRS.

  9. Good job on embedding! Didn't know there was a babysitting course. Very cool. Hoorah for empowerment. Your weekend are so much busier than mine. I feel like a couch potato.

  10. I think that changing up the game plan makes things more exciting. I love reading about your weekends, since I have to work every single Saturday, I can live vicariously through you...upchuck, scary mannequins and all ;)

  11. I gave up trying to keep to the course ages ago. Even without the kids, I can't ever seem to keep to a plan. It's always something. Last night, out of the blue, I found myself four blocks away from the Capitol while the President gave his speech so I could fill in for a sick friend at a downtown ice rink. From the couch to the Capitol all in a few hours. Answering the phone can be dangerous.

  12. :) I don't think you could ever be "the person".
    I really want one of those weekend treats and the popcorn chicken. Please send them right now.
    FYI, those dolls are uber creepy.

  13. You sure keep busy! Glad you could squeeze in a little knitting. BTW, I can't access your blog on Bloglovin at the moment, and don't know why! Same with a couple of other ones....

  14. You keep my giggling all the time. I find your posts very refreshing! I also like the embedding of your Instagram photos. Now I can stalk ya. Just kidding. No seriously. ;-) lol Nothing wrong with knitting into the wee hours of the night and it's good to be a little naughty on a school night. Look forward to seeing your bits and bobs of knitting!
