Monday, February 2, 2015


Things were going okay on Friday evening.

But Lo' and behold some how in my knitting bag things went ... very wrong.

It's worse than it looks. So I worked on this Saturday and Sunday. I was very Zen about it, "It's not a slew of knots, it's a puzzle of sorts."

I'm kind of over it now.

I just want to knit.


  1. Eek. I don't have much patience when things all go wrong, I tend to completely lose it. You are clearly much more zen. I'm hoping everything is tangle free and flowing smoothly now. CJ xx

  2. I love purple and may have to knit some purple socks.
    Zen. I can do zen today.

  3. Find two or three friends who are patient and willing to help sort out this tangle. It can be done, and it's more fun with friends.

  4. Bring it on over ---- I puzzle out yarn tangles pretty well. ;-)

  5. Good for you for staying zen. I'm trying to get there, but it isn't easy!

  6. Oh, wow.....the wool goblins are at it again. They get in my bags all the time. I've had some epic untangling adventures that involved all the dining room chairs as a kind of giant warping board that took days to sort out. It still gives me goosebumps thinking about it. Good luck.

  7. Yikes! If that was my house, I could blame a cat. Which doesn't make it any easier to untangle ...

    The knitting looks really lovely so far!

  8. Oh my word! Been there and have done that. I sympathize. Very hard to stay zen in these kind of moments. Hang in there and you'll get through it.

  9. Ugh.... I can't stand when that happens. On a positive note - your project looks beautiful so far. Here's hoping you can start knitting soon and find your happy place.

  10. I'm good at getting knots out, must be a skill :) Lovely knitting and I hope it's all sorted out now.

  11. Ugh, I hate it when that happens
    I envy your Zen-like attitude love. :)

  12. Send it to me if you Zen gets out of control. I'm serious. I love a good tangled yarn...Ravelry name lesliestbutler if you want to contact me privately! :)

  13. Ouch! Was that in the yarn cake or did something happen to your cake? You can't do much but be Zen, it is what it is ...

  14. That is the perfect attitude to have. I actually like that sort of thing so if it happens again send it to me in the mail and I will work it out for you. i know I am a bit of a freak.

  15. oh my goodnesss...did Freddy get in your bag???? I'm SOOOOO sorry.

  16. It looks like something my little dog Max had his way with. I'm glad you are taking it as it comes and not letting it "possess" you. The shawl will be beautiful when you win the battle!

  17. Yarn barf. Lovely. However, this color is a zing like your awesome personality. You and I need to get together before the summer.
