Wednesday, January 19, 2011

It's true I read like a teenager.

Here's a rundown of the fun times since the holidays. A cross between enjoying a story, and being in complete denial of one's domestic responsibilities...

American Assassin - No lie, this was my first purchase for my Nook. It was a fun read, except for torture. You know, fingernail pulling, even if not great detail is given, it's a gross-out. Torture is bad. Still, much like the reviewers said, had a great Jason Bourne feel to it.

Hunger Games Trilogy - The Man Friend got me this for Christmas and was saddened that he got hardbound collection when he saw I got a Nook. Regardless, the story is fast paced. There is a love triangle in it that made me nervous  (in the is your romance going to kill my action story kind of way). It was a satisfying read. I managed to read all 3 over the MLK weekend.

The Book Thief - Hands down my favorite read lately. Visual, a good story narrated by death during World War II in Germany. The author was not rushing me towards the end, he enjoyed his words and let me enjoy them without feeling like he was trying so hard. Elements of sadness, hope with great characters. Whoa humanity.

The Imperfectionists - More like a series of short stories that rolled into one novel about a fictional International newspaper in Rome. The first short story read like meh. I was regretting outloud to the manfriend, that perhaps this wasn't the best Nook purchase idea ... but I kept reading. You know, it was alright. I preferred the contemporary story than the italicized backstory of the history of the paper. Maybe it was just reading italicized chapters. It was better than I thought it was going to be, but I was not wowed.

Starship Troopers - Yeah, so I prefer the camp of the movie than the military life of a sheltered turned facist officer of the Federation in writing. Yet for the most part I still enjoyed reading it. What's wrong with me?

The Lost Hero - So yeah, I really enjoyed The Lightening Thief series. It's true, I've read a few of them more than once. It's also true that it's no Harry Potter. I say "Yay" to that. Let each story be. The main character is smart-ass but is likeable and I took Latin for 4 years, so it's nice to have something besides Steven Saylor and the Classics to bring together mythology and reading to enjoy. Ha! This story focuses on new characters, beginning a new series, bringing back familiar settings and characters. Good escapism. It's like a fantasy afterschool special. heh.

In progress: I got P&P for free on my Nook. I started reading that last night and decided that I would skip over some of the boringo stuff, and get closer to Volume II where we see Lizzie visit Mr. & Mrs. Collins' and Lady Catherine Du Bourgh, and where Mr. Darcy disdainfully professes his love. *sigh. I know, I know, what a sap. You should see Man-friend's expression when he catches me reading Jane Austen again.

*Word I love to say after reading/watching any Austen: Insufferable!

1 comment:

  1. So Daniel picked out a book for me last Friday, based on the premise that it's good for someone with a short attention span. I don't think I've made it passed the first chapter yet. It's been a long time since I've read a novel that wasn't aimed for someone <10 yrs old. Reading is hard! ;p
