Monday, September 19, 2011

I SMELL like a Taco!!

Today was Taco Monday. Mayor Harrigan was ready to take his mayoral campaign to the Mission and get tacos after getting over his aversion to ?beans? in your taco.

(I sympathized, because often ManFriend just shakes his head at my bean infested tacos from Pancho Villa.) Hey, it's like instant-dip! Like Nachos in dip form!

Well I didn't have to sell it, I just had to eat it.

And THAT my friends is EXACTLY what I did.

However my chip to "nacho taco dip" ratio was severely off. Much like when one is running out of yarn, I ... made do. I tore off pieces of the doubled tortilla and well ... dug in.

And holy crap I ate more than I meant.

And I proceeded to eat it like an 8 year old boy child raised by wolves with severe utensil allergies.

Well, after cleaning out the shrapnel in my keyboard and washing my hands and face. I return to the bathroom to wash again and throw in some teeth brushing for gold stars and blue ribbons.

But there I am, tappety tapping on the keyboard and I get this whiff of taco. I think, "Bah, it's just the trash. Don't worry about it keep working."

However I smell it following me like some kind of taco ghost. I go home and start to get dressed to go exercise, I smell taco. CLEAN CLOTHES.

I rewash and rebrush.

I think exercise helped. I think I sweat the taco out of me. I think the two pints I had with the Boozey Beavers at The Residence sort of drowned it out.

I better not dream of any stinkin' tacos!

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