Thursday, November 29, 2018

Once Upon a Knitting Time

A long long time ago I had the intention of knitting a larger hat for my cousin's baby who well ... was not a toddler anymore and had outgrown the original I knit him.

This kid is so loving and sweet. He is a HUGE fan of his Dad. I figured, why not matching father/son hats? So after a pause I knit a matching hat.

This little cousin has an older brother who works a lot in the stables and Kathy B said she gave fingerless mitts to her fellow stable volunteers where she lives so ... after a pause I knit a pair of handwarmers.

Well this older brother has an older sister who also works in the same stables ... so after another pause, I knit another set of handwarmers. So essentially 6 months after my original send date ... most of the family got some handknits.

My dear cousin in Colorado told me everything is fit. (I figured the elder siblings would work out which one got which pair -- same size and whatnot.) I apologized profusely for taking SOOOO long, but they were all very thankful and understanding.

The End.

I'm still finishing 2 baby sweaters. This weekend I swear it. I just am not knitting very much because that is just how it goes sometimes.

I do enjoy gifting knits, but I think I am going to do some random fancy free knitting in 2019.

Do you enjoy gift knitting?


  1. Nice sets. I can see them being very useful. I am not a big fan of gift knitting because I am sooooo slow. My precious knitting time is usually reserved for something for ME. And besides, most of the folks I know are NOT knit worthy.

    1. I am SUCH a slow knitter. It's killing me. But I do like to knit for other people, but I don't tell them, and then it's no pressure. But now, right now, I'm just trying to finish those baby sweaters.

  2. Very nice! knitting...I do enjoy it, but I've learned this year that I do NOT enjoy it right before the holiday. So, my plan (ha!) is to do some gift knitting for NEXT Christmas early in 2019. Then I can just knit for me, me, me come next Fall. We'll see how that goes...

    1. Oh I agree! I have a hard time with deadlines. My whole being seems to rebel against them, especially knitting ones!

  3. Good basics here and I like the striped mitts the most. I have a love/hate with gift knitting. I want to but at the same time it's stressful the whole time I'm knitting the projects.

    1. Yes! so much stress! Surprise gifts so there is no disappointment if we don't do it -- those are the best!

    2. I think there is even going to be a fourth book in the An Ember in the Ashes series. I'm waiting for my turn for the Kindle or for the hard copy which may come first.

  4. Great job on the hats and mitts! I do enjoy gift knitting but I usually do it throughout the year.

    1. You are really good with all year knitting, it makes sense! Reduced stress for sure. I'm impressed.

  5. I enjoy gift knitting but I've done so much this year that I'm a little tired of it and want to knit for me. The hats and mitts are a fantastic gift!! Lovely knitting.

    1. I totally understand! I hope you get some time to knit for yourself soon.

  6. I like to spread my gift knitting throughout the year, too.
    I do like to do things for baby's eminent appearance, usually!
    Nice job on the knits!

    1. I like to give socks throughout the year.
      Baby Knits are my weakness.

  7. Ellen, those that work at the barn will ADORE you fingerless. Happy to have mentioned them. I did some charity knitting for the holiday. In October, zach and fireman got new knitted hats from me, and Al got mittens per request. I am not planning any additional knits for gifts, but there is a CHANCE....I will be knitting a few more gifts before the big Holidays. No pressure on myself though. Just fun .

    1. You are so good with the charity knitting and gift knitting. It's nice when people put in requests because you know they will be appreciated. I love holiday knitting but there just hasn't been time lately.

  8. Great knits! I'm so happy you have appreciative family members.

  9. Great little pile of knits.
    I do enjoy gift knitting, but only because I'm very selective who I gift knit for. I only do it for the people I know will really appreciate it!

    1. Thank you. I like your approach and try to subscribe to it, except for baby knits.

  10. Wow, you've been one busy knitter! Nice work! I'm busy working on gifts and once again wishing I'd started sooner. Next year, maybe?

    1. I wish I was busier with the knits, but I'm glad I got it done. Yes, maybe next year I will get started sooner... don't hold me to it.

  11. You are such a generous gift knitter! What a handsome collection of hats and mitts. I used to gift knit more when I first started knitting but not so much lately. Although I had a wild dream/nightmare a few weeks ago about tracing cardboard foot templates for every single member of my family in order to knit them socks. Hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  12. This is really the secret for gift knitting!

  13. Haha! I just texted one of my friends to stand on a tape measure and tell me the length of his foot! I love the cardboard cutout dream, LOL.

  14. They are wonderful gifts my friend. You are the best!

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