Friday, March 2, 2012

The Knitting Zone ...

(Look away Harrigan! This post is going to be knit-a-rific! I will post on my moody son or social gaffes later. )

The Knitting Zone. Ahh, much like intense balance of focus & vegetation a gamer experiences in hour 2 of digital battle, watching the points rack up and the energy-ometer pulse a green glow, the knitting zone is a magical place.

It is the place where often more than one project is worked on, often copious amounts of tea and muttering. If we take it into the happy place (as my mother says, "It's 5 o'clock or happy hour somewhere ...") It often involves some wine. Modest amounts mind you. Nothing like backing out rows the next day with an Ibuprofen chaser.

Anyways in order to cope with my own New Year's starteritis, I have agreed to equally love all my Knitting (WIP) children. I have multiple projects on the sticks & string and in the zone ... I've been known to play with them all. (Yay Me! -- having a good ego day, work with me people)

I start with Tea Leaves because it is the most tedious of my children. DK yarn stitches for DAYS. I have to earn 8" just to split for sleeves. Sad FACE ... and then tough face, just 4 or so rows at a time. I can get through this.

Out and about ... on public transportation or waiting rooms I am knitting The Kid some green and blueish hand warmers. These are immediate gratification. His hands are small (he's a kid, see how that works?) so he's tried them on for me to double-check the size and is mildly amused with my progress. We are one down. I smell completion by the end of the week. oh ... yeah.

Mindless I'm really tired ... I may only had time to exercise, berate "poor child" about homework and slam some leftovers down my gullet before bed, but if I don't knit at least one or two rows I will be twice as evil in the morning project ... is the bulky blanket. Knit with Lion Brand Thick & Quick it's the Moderne Baby Blanket again. I wish my needles were longer, but it's growing at a rate I appreciate. I'm currently on piece 8/10. (though I reserve the right to add on more rectangles or squares if I feel like it.

And then there is The Mixer. HM decided she was going to cast on the Baby Chalice Blanket. She got the "right" yarn and everything. I had talked about doing this for ages. (At least with my imaginary friends.) I just hadn't cast on, because seriously who with a full time job, a family, or in complete control of their mental faculties would cast on a blanket when there is already a blanket and a sweater on the needles and a occasionally whiny child who would like his hands warm before the Californian winter goes away?

That ignoramus would be me.  I know shocking.

You know what's more shocking? Is I knit on this thing when all the other children bore me. When my knitting feels obligatory and unreasonably repetitive. This baby is new and shiny, despite the Red Heart stash yarn I'm using. It's interesting but not draining and I am determined to give it a good home.

I'm so in awe as an expectant mother, I'm already planning on making another. (blanket that is)

The second part of the irony is HM ripped her project because the yarn was too busy for the pattern she felt. (The yarn is lovely on it's own for sure.)

The Knitting Zone, it's where all good intentions turn to gobbleygook.

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